Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Evolution Is A Religion: just read what Darwin himself said

While browsing through the stacks at the local library, I came across Science Matters, a book by two evolutionary naturalists.1
Chapter 17 is entitled, "Evolution" and the following is found on page 243: 
If you are a Creationist, the Bible — not nature — dictates what you believe. Creationists subordinate observational evidence to doctrine based on their interpretation of sacred texts. The tenets of biblical Creationism are not testable, nor are they subject to dramatic change based on new data. In other words, Creationism is a form of religion.
Let's rearrange a few words that would make this paragraph much closer to the truth:
If you are an evolutionist, Darwin — not nature — dictates what you believe. Evolutionists subordinate observational evidence to doctrine based on their interpretation of On the Origin of Species. The tenets of evolutionary naturalism are not testable, nor are they subject to dramatic change based on new data. In other words, Evolutionism is a form of religion.
To those who would protest (too much!) the above restructuring, I would defer them to an introduction a British biologist wrote for Darwin's infamous book.....

Go here for the rest of the article and the direct quote from Darwin himself.

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