Monday, June 09, 2014

Beth Moore Has Strange Fire Pastor Christine Caine Fill In On "Wednesdays With Beth" On WOF's James Robinson's Show

Beth Moore continues in apostasy. Please know that Beth Moore has been teaching men for DECADES, thus violating Scripture without repentance. More recently she's passed on into Strange Fire declaring that God directly told her Roman Catholics are in the Body of Christ and that she ought to go have a sabbath playdate with Jesus at the zoo. Reject her, folks. She's leaven.

Apprising Ministries reports Moore had Word of Faith (Strange Fire) pastor Christine Caine fill in


Returning to Christine Caine’s tweet, she’s visiting her comrade Beth Moore at the Stockton, CA stop of Moore’s Living Proof Live series.3 The schedule is busy enough that Moore has had to take a break recently from her Wednesday’s with Beth on Life Today TV (LTT) of James Robison.
Filling in for Moore has been her friend Christine Caine.4  In addition to being friends with Moore, Caine also joined her as a featured speaker for James Robison at his Awaken Now conference last year.5Concerning this recent quest hosting for Beth Moore by Christine Caine, a spokesperson for Robison’s LTT tells us:
We have been blessed to have one of America’s premier Bible instructors, Beth Moore, share each week. With her own ministry growing, time is precious in her schedule with regards to speaking and family and we understand that.
We are delighted to have Christine Caine presenting a series of teachings during our Spring Mission Feeding emphasis and know she will be a blessing to you as well.
Thank you for watch Wednesdays in the Word and taking advantage of this time each week to received from God’s Word through anointed teachers like Christine and Beth.
Such is the continued blurring of lines within the evangelical community.

End quote.

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