Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Chiefest of All Deceptions

The chiefest of all deception is to presume upon 2014, while clothed in sinful rebellion against Christ Jesus the whole of 2013. Whether of worldliness, false religion, or americanism infiltrations. This is not the false ideology of hedonism, whereby you live according to yourself, for tomorrow you die. But rather, the question is, shall you die in Christ or apart from Him; rejecting Him, serving your lusts, enjoying the things which cannot save you. The temporal things that will not comfort you on your deathbed. 
Shall you again profess to be a better person in the coming year? Even if you would become better, the righteousness you give to God is filthy rags unless you are clothed with the righteousness of God in Christ, given to you, not by merit, by grace through faith. If you vow to be His and betray Him while serving your sins, or vow to be His and reject him all together, 2014, If He would enable you to finish it, will be another year of the High Court of Heaven's indictment against you. But if you repent, then you will not declare that you have come to the end of this year by human ingenuity, but by the Sovereign Hand of God, and His mercy upon you; in spite of you.

~Doron Gladden

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