Saturday, January 04, 2014

All For What?

After fighting in a bloody three-day war, Al Qaeda-affiliated militants captured the western city of Fallujah, and raised its flag over government buildings in the city previously secured by U.S. forces before withdrawing from the country two years later.

~Fox News

Our time there was a total waste. The Middle East's worldview is not, with the possible exception of Israel (even that is debatable) compatible with the Western worldview (think Europe and the US). Particularly with Islam at the heart of most Mid East nations (because Islam is a political religion), it won't submit to Western thinking. So why did the West think we could change the Islamic Middle East?

We lost lives not to mention damaged the lives and families of thousands because of the silly notion that unwanted Western help was going to change Iraq and Afghanistan. They didn't really want help--otherwise they'd be fighting their own battles after a decade of us being there and training them. In order to change, they'd have to change at a fundamental level: their worldview. 

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