Saturday, December 21, 2013

Brian Boitono vs A & E

Brian Boitono is a homosexual. He's also the head of the White House delegation to the Sochi  Olympic games. I find his statement quite interesting:
I am currently skating in Europe but want to provide a statement regarding my appointment to the Olympic delegation. I have been fortunate to represent the United States of America in three different Olympics, and now I am honored to be part of the presidential delegation to the Olympics in Sochi. It has been my experience from competing around the world and in Russia that Olympic athletes can come together in friendship, peace and mutual respect regardless of their individual country’s practices.
It is my desire to be defined by my achievements and my contributions. While I am proud to play a public role in representing the American Olympic Delegation as a former Olympic athlete, I have always reserved my private life for my family and friends and will continue to do so. I am many things: a son, a brother, and uncle, a friend, an athlete, a cook, an author, and being gay is just one part of who I am. First and foremost I am an American athlete and I am proud to live in a country that encourages diversity, openness and tolerance. As an athlete, I hope we can remain focused on the Olympic spirit which celebrates achievement in sport by peoples of all nations. ~NBC
It seems he doesn't want to be defined by his sexual preference, but rather his career accomplishments. No rabid in-your-face-and-you-BETTER-tolerate-me attitude seems to come from him, or at least his statement. No, he rather let his private life be private.What a contrast from many sodomites of no celebrity who, upon first being introduced, declare "I'm gay".

Boitono's statement of  "being proud to live in a country that encourages diversity, openness, and tolerance" is in direct opposition to what has been going on lately, especially with A & E's rejection of tolerance and diversity with Phil Robertson.

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