Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Desiring "God" Demands Accepting "Celibate" Sodomy

Desiring "God" blog has posted this article titled: "An Alternative Script for Same-Sex Attraction", promoted by Piper on his Twitter account. Notice the sanitizing of sodomy by calling it "same sex attraction" as if its normal, acceptable, unavoidable. That's the plan, Stan. It's part of the larger picture to get sodomy accepted among Christians.

Three quotes stood out to me:

"Despite counseling and countless prayers, God has not seen fit to change my orientation."

"If we are going to ask those who struggle with SSA to reject their longings for as long as the Lord wills, then we must have a strong theology of singleness that does not present it as simply a transitional stage on
the way to marriage."

"The church must be a place where those wrestling with SSA feel welcome,included, and safe to work out our salvation in the Lord."

~Nick Roen of Desiring "God" blog

1) He's admitting he IS a sodomite, just a celibate one (so he claims).

2) He's saying that the Lord may not will for sodomites in the church to reject their longings for the rest of their lives.

3) He's demanding that the local church be privy to the unnatural, perverted lusts of sodomites and to make them feel welcome.

#3 is where all of this is headed---to finally accept homosexual as GOD'S decreed orientation for "me" and therefore YOU better accept me just as I am. Don't judge "me", just love me and my sodomy. In order to be an "authentic" "Christian" (and "church") we are being demanded to accept such perversion, otherwise we're a bunch of worthless church-goers who think dare thinkScripture and the Word is sufficient, you see.

Now, go back and read the article, only substitute homosexuality(sanitized as "SSA") with PEDOPHILIA and see how well that sits with you.

Yeah, I didn't think so. That's where Satan has all of this going. He's trying to destroy the churches. And its not from without, but from within. From the seminaries (the author of this article is at Piper's
seminary), from the pulpits, from defenders that sit in the pews.

A little leaven leavens the whole loaf.

In Matt. 5 Jesus says that the lusts in the heart are tantamount to doing the sin with the body before God. Moreover in Romans 1 sodomy is listed as "LUSTS of their HEARTS" that God finally turned those who refused to acknowledge Him, over to; that He gave them up to "a debase MIND".Scripture also lists sodomy as "unnatural", "dishonorable passions", and"consumed with passion for one another". Such is the description of those who refuse to acknowledge God as Creator. For those in Christ, they DO acknowledge Him as Creator and moreover, love and obey Him, therefore they don't suffer such hardness of hearts. They have a NEW heart at regeneration.
Previously I posted on God's plan for the homosexual agenda. In it I quoted John MacArthur and I think it bears repeating:

God's condemnation of homosexuality is abundantly clear--He opposes it in every age.
- In the patriarchs (Genesis 19:1-28)

- In the Law of Moses (Leviticus 18:2220:13)

- In the Prophets (Ezekiel 16:46-50)

- In the New Testament (Romans 1:18-271 Corinthians 6:9-10Jude 7-8)

Why does God condemn homosexuality? Because it overturns God's fundamental design for human relationships--a design that pictures the complementary relationship between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:18-25Matthew 19:4-6Ephesians 5:22-33).
Why, then, have homosexual interpretations of Scripture been so successful at persuading so many? Simple: people want to be convinced. Since the Bible is so clear about the issue, sinners have had to defy reason and embrace error to quiet their accusing consciences (Romans 2:14-16). As Jesus said, "Men loved the darkness rather than the Light, [because] their deeds were evil" (John 3:19-20).
As a Christian, you must not compromise what the Bible says about homosexuality--ever. No matter how much you desire to be compassionate to the homosexual, your first sympathies belong to the Lord and to the exaltation of His righteousness. Homosexuals stand in defiant rebellion against the will of their Creator who from the beginning "made them male and female" (Matthew 19:4).
Don't allow yourself to be intimidated by homosexual advocates and their futile reasoning--their arguments are without substance. Homosexuals, and those who advocate that sin, are fundamentally committed to overturning the lordship of Christ in this world. But their rebellion is useless, for the Holy Spirit says, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; cf. Galatians 5:19-21).
End quote.
So if God is so clear on homosexuality, there is no way to accept it on any level, but that's what the liberals are doing as they secretly sneak in among us and then redefine things by trying to cloud the issue regarding sodomy.  They try to use "science", psychology, and even equalize the unnatural passion and lust of sodomy as if its like any other sin. That way they can play the victim and say it's merely a struggle like, say, drinking (eternal victimhood is a play right out of psychology's playbook---you never have victory over the sin or its desire but rather always struggle, thus always "recovering" but never recovered). The sins of Sodom and Gommorah were sexual in nature and therefore earned God's special judgement. If He destroyed not only those two cities, but the surrounding ones because of such heinous sexual immorality, then how in the WORLD can "Christians" think He's any less angry and less holy now with sodomy? Both the Old and New Testaments show God's absolute consistency regarding sexual immorality. Or do these "Christians" fancy themselves more tolerant and "loving" than the HOLY HOLY HOLY God of Israel Himself?
If liberals can't get sodomy into the churches by full frontal attack, they'll do it by  a more subtle means--incrementalism, psychology,  the great sin-equalizer, and victimization.


laurie said...

"Despite counseling and countless prayers, God has not seen fit to change my orientation." - so God is not faithful and true to His word? Repentance and regeneration will indeed bring the sinner out of their sins. I abhor calling this sexual abomination an 'orientation'. Here lies another way of 'glossing over' sin, we'll just re-label it and make it less offensive!
Homosexuality is an abomination to a thrice holy God, and He commands sinners to repent of all their sins. This is NOT an option, it isn't if you feel like it. It is a command from the mouth of the most High God. He will bring you out of sin, out of darkness and into light. The supernatural power of God has brought me out of darkness, including the very sin of lesbianism, and given me freedom from sins' bondage. It's funny how 'Christians' forget the powerful words of Christ found in the Gospel of John, 'If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed'. {John 8:36}

Piper is another reason why I make it my aim to only follow Christ and ask the Holy Spirit to be my teacher continually. It's also why I think it best not to read much of what passes itself off as 'Christian' in our present day. I do enjoy Pink, Spurgeon, Ryle and the like, but have no modern day 'favorite' that I care to read or listen to.
Good post, we MUST call sin what it is, and proclaim the word of God unadulterated when speaking truth. We cannot re-define sin, it is what it abomination. It is NOT an 'orientation', nor is it 'same sex attraction'. It is an abomination birthed out of the forbidden lust of the heart of a sinner. It is based on selfish lust, not love. It is an abhorrence to a thrice holy God and He will NOT tolerate, nor will He 'wink' at such a disgusting abomination. He commands repentance, there is no alternative choice. The 'church' needs to get a handle on this and quit being lukewarm concerning sin. Good grief, let the word of God be your only guide and source of truth. Sadly, many have been infiltrated with lies and believe this sin is somehow 'different' than other sexual sin. It isn't. It comes from the same source as all sin...the depraved human heart. Those who continue on in it will perish.
Enough of these lukewarm pansies who profess to be 'men of God' when they aren't. May God raise up a man who will stand alone, boldly proclaiming God's word, and not backing down or being wishy washy. America is in the midst of a famine of the word of the Lord; we must cry out for a revival in the hearts of God's people. May we never compromise!

Denise said...

Well said Lyn! Thank you for stand for Truth.

laurie said...

Denise, I thought again of the ridiculous claim made in the DG post, 'despite counseling and countless prayers, God has not seen fit to change my orientation'.
This is from A. W. Pink, " And if you are not now delivered from the power of sin, from the deceptions of Satan, from the love of the world, and from the pleasing of self, then you are NOT saved. May it please the God of all grace to add His blessing." That was included in his writing called 'the narrow way' which you can read at

Another book I recommend is from Lee Roy Shelton Jr, entitled 'biblical repentance, the need of this hour' also available at,%20Jr.

Many blessings to you as we labor for our Lord, striving to bring Him glory.