Thursday, August 08, 2013

Matt Damon: LAUSD Isn't Liberal Enough

The Hill reports:

In a weekend interview with The Guardian, Damon, who recently relocated his family from New York to Los Angeles, said the L.A. public school system didn’t offer the kind of “progressive education” he wanted for his kids..

I mean, I pay for a private education and I'm trying to get the one that most matches the public education that I had, but that kind of progressive education no longer exists in the public system. It's unfair."

"So we agitate about those things, and try to change them, and try to change the policy, but you know, it's a tough one,” he added.

End quote.


Like Michelle Obama demanding certain foods be sold and others banned from public schools while her kids go to a private school and while she and her husband eat those very same "banned" foods?

Like Obama pushing socialized medicine on the nation, while he and his cohorts in Congress are opted out?

Like rich people being able to afford private schools while the rest of us either go to government schools (LAUSD has only 66% graduation rate--if one believes its even that high) or home school?

If Damon thinks the LA government schools aren't progressive enough, one must wonder just how liberal his indoctrination was on the East Coast. Does he even understand that his leftist views are socialist at heart and socialism by its nature demands equality in everything?

Liberals, Progressives, and Socialists: the connection of their worldview.

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