Wednesday, March 13, 2013

John Piper and Rick Warren Pray for a New Pope

"O Lord of truth and mercy, put in place a Pope most willing to reform the Catholic Church in accord with your most holy word."

~ John Piper on Twitter

"Join me today in fasting and prayer for the 115 Cardinals seeking God's Will in a new leader."
~Rick Warren on Twitter

"The RCC’s popes usurp the titles "Holy Father" from God the Father, "The Head of the Church" from the Lord Jesus Christ and "The Vicar of Christ" from the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised to send in His place." 

I consider Piper to be the spiritual twin of Warren. Both see Rome the same way, both went to Fuller Theological Seminary which is VERY liberal, both were on committees of the Lausanne Congress.

Consider that Piper claims to be a Reformer. But also consider that Piper loves Roman Catholic philosopher GK Chesterton. This is why Piper must be rejected: he believes a false religion with a blasphemous leader can be a reformer of a dead church full of dead people. He sees legitimacy in Rome. Piper continues to bear bad fruit that can't be excused or justified. He's not a novice. He's not ignorant. He's well read, well educated, and claims to be a fan of the Puritans and Reformers, even claiming to be Reformed himself. If he believed in Total Depravity (T of the TULIP), then he would know that dead men are dead  and lifeless and cannot change. Moreover a church of dead people is a dead church. And an anti-Christ blasphemer against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. He sided with the enemy in that post. But he's done this continually through the years, not the least of which is with Rick Warren, Mark Driscoll, and Doug Wilson.

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