Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick Was A Baptist

Time to remember once again the truth of biblical Christianity, the error of the Roman Catholic Church and its propaganda by trying to high-jack a Christian Baptist preacher:

In summary:

Number One :St. Patrick Baptized Only Professed Believers

Number Two:St. Patrick Baptized By Immersion Only

Number Three: In Church Government

Number Four: Patrick Was A Baptist In Independence From Creeds, Councils, Popes, etc.

Number Five: In Doctrine
a. Patrick believed in the substitutionary atonement of Christ.
b. He believes in the free gift of the Holy Spirit which comes to the believer at the moment of salvation. (John 14:16).
c. He also firmly conveys the message of the eternal security of the believer
d. He confirms his belief that men must be drawn by God in order to be saved (John 6:44).
e. Patrick affirms his conviction in the sonship of the believer (John 1:12).
f. And the great Irish theologian attests to the fact that all believers are joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16-17)

Number Six: In Terms Of The Lord's Supper, Patrick Was A Baptist

Number Seven: Patrick Rejects The Roman Catholic Dogma Of Transubstantiation

For more go here.

The colors of the Irish flag include Green for the Roman Catholic population and Orange for the Anglican population. White is considered to be the color of truce.

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