Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More on Prejean: Choosing One Immorality Over Another Is Biblical?

Ingrid over at Slice of Laodicea makes our points (women who actually stand against this constant defense and excusing of Carrie Prejean's immodesty while declaring her "opinion" on homosexual "marriage"--and that is what she keeps saying--its her opinion) really well and I'd like to post a few from her here.


Christian bloggers and commentators, most of them male, continue to exalt Miss Prejean to the status of a Christian Woman for All Seasons. Rarely has there been this kind of uniform praise for any Christian woman taking a stand on the issue of homosexuality or anything else. Ordinarily, Christian women who take a stand for what is right are told to go home and shut up. Is there a connection between a great body and female credibility among Christian males today?

Does it trouble you that you are holding up Prejean as an example to her of godliness and moral courage? Would you like millions of men oggling the private parts of your daughter (or wife, for that matter) as millions of men undoubtedly were that night? Would you like your daughter/wife to be judged by the size of her chest and the state of her behind? That’s what was going on, Christian male defenders of this woman.

Miss Prejean, however sincere, is not a hero. She is a cautionary tale about what happens when a culture so infiltrates the church that public nudity is now viewed as not only perfectly acceptable, but even admirable. Now Christian men can admire not only her stance for marriage but her measurements. Truly, a Christian female men can support.

End quote.

Even I have had a few conservative male bloggers/commenters not want to touch the immodesty of Miss Prejean, but merely zero in on the political problems of increasing mockery by those on the Left.

It is unbelievable to me that men deliberately won't touch her near-nakedness issue! Is this not one of THE CLEAREST COMMANDS IN SCRIPTURE? I have to say, its like they are mesmerized by a pretty body instead of God's Word. Its like the Garden of Eden all over again. The men can't say "no" to a pretty girl even while she blatantly disobeys the God she says she serves.

No wonder women are so concerned over the lack of leadership in this country. They can't even take a stand on something so obvious as breasts falling out of little binkin tops and ball gowns!

As in Eden, we're supposed to turn a blind eye to the sin and just be ok with the "sincereity" of the sinner. Right? Then the same justification can be used for women elders, foul-mouthed pastors, sex talk from the pulpit, and the like. After all, at least SOMEONE is doing something, right? That's the justification I keep hearing, on any of these issues.

So why are you conservative and Christian? Because you say you are? But you are no different than the liberals who find no problem with women elders. Is truth optional?

Is it?

Is Truth Optional??

Then if not, having breasts fall out of skinny binkini tops isn't optional. Its SIN. You know it is. It cannot fall under Romans 14 and mere opinion, when God has clearly commanded that women ARE to dress modestly in accordance with godliness.

And please do not give me the tiresome justification of "its a maturity issue". That won't fly.

So why men (and some of you women)? Why are you so willing to ignore Truth? And why should a woman be the "spokesperson" for "tradional marriage" when it should boldly and loudly be men first? Are you getting my plea here? Where are the male LEADERS? Do you "lead" only when its safe or convenient, if at all? Is politics the ONLY THING you care about? And why do you think an "opinion" is a "bold" declaration??

And here which links to Herescope's post on this issue.

Another way to put this into focus: many professing Christians are applauding a woman's "moral stand" while showing immorality as she strutts her breasts, stomach, swings her hips, and thighs in high heels so people can judge her as the best beauty queen. Now are you seeing the hypocrisy and compartmentalizing?

Oh I get it....she's just growing like Mark Driscoll and Paul Tripp. Sin with "Christ" slapped on is ok as long as they take a social stand you agree with.

Remember how God holds those who claim Christ, to a higher standard: Ananias and Sephira were struck dead for lying. Or is that optional now also? You think HE doesn't have the same standard and works the same way today?

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