Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Infamous Former Peanut Farmer and President Wants Christians To Compromise: Well I Won't!

Is. 8 20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn.

The infamous former peanut farmer and president, Jimmy Carter speaketh (article here).

"During his address Saturday at the Southeast regional gathering of the New Baptist Covenant, Carter said the shared faith in Jesus Christ should be enough reason for Christians to unite and that other divisive issues need to be put aside if they stand in the way of unity.Disharmony among Christians, he said, “is like a cancer metastasizing in the body of Christ.”'

If those who claim Christ would stop dividing FROM Truth, there wouldn't BE division. Its not those who actually believe and strive to live according to Scripture (which is knowable and clear). Its you libs that want to deny the Lordship of the Lord and then crawl all over our cases for not joining in your rebellion. You're acting like adolscents who don't want a boss over you....but you sure will tell US what to do and what to believe and what NOT to believe.

We're saved by the grace of God through our faith in Jesus Christ. That's a fundamental in which I believe. And I think for Christians that's basically adequate,” the former president said to the more than 800 attendants gathered at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C. "If you believe in that, no matter how you feel about homosexuality or the death penalty or church and state being separated ... we should put those things aside."

1Co 5:11 But now I am writing to you NOT TO ASSOCIATE with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler--not even to eat with such a one.

2Jo 1:9 Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son.

Put aside Biblical truth for UNITY? Unity on what? Uniting? Which God? Which Jesus? What gospel is Carter referring to? The one that doesn't give a rip about homosexuality?? Carter wants us to ignore Scripture, be cowards like him, and make friends with the enemy of the Cross,holding up a white flag and offering tea and cookies to them, while slandering biblical Christians. He's good at tolerating Haters of Christ, but INtolerant of Lovers of Christ. No thanks Carter. You go on with your bad self. I won't be disloyal to Christ Jesus and Scripture.

They (Baptists overseas) see us (U.S. Baptists) at each other's throats, as argumentative, as struggling for authority and power,” Carter said Saturday, according to The Charlotte Observer.

Says you. In your warped liberal mindset YOU think its a power struggle thing. But YOU were the one to whine and complain, and then walk away with your toys because YOU refused to submit to Scripture and BE A MAN in leading your wife and child (not to mention country). You are shameful in trying to slam Baptists and act so holy. Ignorant of Baptist history, you really thing Baptists are supposed to be all in lockstep together like a bunch of Presbyeterians. Baptists, by distinctive and doctrine, are all independant churches. HELLO???

"Hoping to overcome any racial, theological, philosophical, geographical or political division, over 30 organizations representing 20 million Baptists (black, white, conservative, moderate, Republican and Democrat) lent their support to the start of the New Baptist Covenant last January."

Where's the common ground here? The label "Baptist"? That doesn't mean they ARE Baptist OR Christian. By removing Biblical Truth, Carter has reject TRUE Unity and made himself the determiner of what SHOULD be held to. How pathetic.

In typical liberal style, Carter wants to hush those who will fight such nonse. Remember Rick Warren's similar declaration back in 2007? He said:

"As pastors, as shepherds of God's people, it's our job to protect our congregations from Satan's greatest weapon – disunity," he writes. "It's not always easy, but it's what we've been called to do."

Those in error, as we have seen lately even with the infamous Reformed blogger, don't want the Light of Truth to shine on them, so they dismiss and reject all thinking, discerning Christians as mean-spirited, judgmental, and gnit-picking. But God sees it differently (Matt. 7, Gal. 3, 1John 4:1-2; 1Cor. 5; Acts 17:11, 2John 10; Rom. 16:17-19 for instance).

Carter left the SBC years ago because he rebelled against the biblically upheld view of women submitting to their husbands. That's enough to show he is not anywhere close to Scripture in his thinking. But those who thought we were just too mean and needed to give him room, now he's being even more bold.

Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals." (1Co 15:33)

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